Currently, due to the high number of students at the academy, we have suspended training for new English-speaking students.
The VFR Night qualification allows pilots to fly during nighttime in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) – this opens up a whole new world of flying. Now the approaching sunset will no longer mean obligatory landing!
General information
During the VFR Night training, you will develop the skills you have gained on PPL(A) course and will acquire the necessary competencies to safely perform night flights. Just like during the PPL(A) training, you will be first given the theoretical training during, which we will discuss the most important issues related to night flights. Once completed the theoretical part, you will use your knowledge in practice flying both with and without instructor.
Holders of VFR Night rating can perform flights before sunrise and after sunset. It is also a prerequisite mandatory to all those pilots who want to obtain an IR Rating and continue their further career.
The flight training is conducted on our aircraft Tecnam P2008 aircraft, equipped with Garmin digital avionic system.
Theoretical VFR Night training
5 hour theoretical course consists of the following:
- Aviation Law
- Meteorology
- Navigation
- Safety and Human Factors in Aviation
Practical VFR Night training
5 hours of flights:
- 4,5 hours single-engine dual, out of which one hour is flight navigation
- 30 minutes of single-engine independent flight